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Edit Sober Photography

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About us

The photography bug bit me when I was quite young watching my dad with his old film camera as a nature photographer hobbyist. He bought me my very own Nikon Coolpix and I would spend hours taking photos of blades of grass, flowers, animals, old buildings, etc. Photography is an amazing outlet, allowing people to express themselves in such a personal and creative way. No photographer is the same. We all have our personal style, add our own personal touches, and that's what makes everyone unique. Photography allows us to break out of our shells, push our boundaries, forever learning and growing. I have been an avid photographer for years now, starting with only nature photography, then moving on to try taking photos of real live people, ahhh! At first, I honestly wasn't sure I would enjoy taking photos of our two legged friends with thumbs. Which is funny, as I am a Child and Youth Care worker and I am very much so a 'people-person'. I guess I just didn't know how to be creative with it and enjoy it. But once I started taking photos of my friends and family, I finally realized why photographers don't only take photos of trees and rivers. It is such a wonderful feeling to catch a moment with a genuine smile on someone's face, a baby's laughter, or that sparkle in someone's eye when they are looking at the love of their life, or afterwards when someone tells you that you helped them feel beautiful; THAT's why I decided I wanted to do this as well.
Now, a little about myself. I am currently a success coach at an elementary school as well as a community coordinator for a drop in youth group. Helping people is my dream, and I do hope that one day I can start my own ranch for children and youth who have suffered from abuse and trauma. It has been a long road to get to where I am today, but I couldn't be happier. I decided not to make photography my main career, as I was afraid that I would become more dependent on it for money than for joy, and that I would lose my... show more
passion for it. So, I chose to keep it as a part-time business instead. I don't even look at it as a business, I look at it as my time to help others capture those genuine moments. It's so amazing the story that a picture can tell. So while I am helping people better their own stories and help them get on the road they want to be on, I hope to also help people capture their stories so they can treasure and remember them forever. show more

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from May 21, 2016
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