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Costa Mesa Plumbing Services

  • Dennis Rybarczyk

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 2745 Mendoza Drive
    Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (map)

About us

At Costa Mesa Plumbing we like to think of ourselves as professional headache removers. Will we massage your temples with essential oils in a candle-lit room? Maybe, if that's what you're in to. But we prefer to deal with the source of your headache, like a broken faucet, low water pressure or a sadly neglected water heater.
Don't get us wrong. We appreciate aromatherapy as much as the next middle-aged Tom, Dick or Harry. We just happen to possess a basic understanding of the laws of the universe, which unfortunately don't allow sinks to fix themselves or clogs to clear on their own (despite how hard you may point your wand at them).
And that's where we come in. Wand-less? Sadly, yes. Void of a magical ability to make your worries disappear? No!
We specialize in restoration, renewal and that deeply satisfying feeling of hot water flowing from a shower when the nob is turn in the hot water direction. Oh how sweet the simplest things can be.
Take your home maintenance to another level. We'll erase that headache and you won't need to refinance your home either!
Choose a professional, affordable plumbing service that you'll want to use for life.
At Costa Mesa Plumbing we strive to be the pride of the town, the no.1 option citywide when it comes to home repair and maintenance. Our goal is to develop lifelong relationships with our clients, even if it does take a new toilet or sink for you to call us!

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