Hi, I don't know where to turn for this but does anyone of you Hypermobility types suffer from Morton's Neuroma? I'm dealing with my second one in life, -first was over 12 years ago which disappeared after 3 cortisone injections, custom insoles made, wearing good ankle support-wide shoes, and going to physio therapy. This second one won't go away; I've already had the maximum cortisone injections. My podiatrist is weary about injecting more because the area has become vasular and so sensitive to touch (was getting vasular before I saw podiatrist, so it's not from the injections). He doesn't recommend surgery because of this connective tissue disorder; he thinks it would hurt me more in the long run. I've had massage therapy, home massage tools of all sorts, TENS machine for home use, accupunture and lots of physio. On top of this, I've been suffering PAINFULLY from Raynauds (taking meds for it but still hurts) and physio therapist thinks that it's my sciatica that is the culprit of most of my foot pain, -which seems very likely but I'm still stuck with this lump in my foot that won't go away.... Did any of you hypermobility types go ahead with surgery and was it successful? Did you try anti-convulsion/seizure medicine? I heard about it from my podiatrist that it might help with a lot of issues I have...
PS: I also wear jaw splints full-time, wrist brace and finger splints while working... I'm pretty on top of the trigger-points stuff. I've tried prolotherapy on the jaw but won't have it in my foot. I've had one ozone injection in my plantar but podiatrist advised me to stop, as it's not proven for treating.... anything. So, I'm at my wits end about my foot. Please, tell me if you successfully dealt with Morton's Neuroma. I've had this one for over a year and a half and the lack of exercise is causing me other problems. It hurts sooooooo much.