Our names are Nathan and Kevin. We are two grade 5 boys who are taking our first stab at entrepreneurship. We love pocket pets and would love to look after yours while you're away. Nathan has experience with pet rats as he has raised two. Sadly, they have both gone to rattie heaven but they lived a great, long life! We would provide your pet(s) with daily play time in a safe, smoke-free environment. We also promise to clean their living quarters on a regular basis.
Typically, we would charge $5/night however if you have two pets sharing a cage it means more poop to clean up and more cage cleanings so we would ask for an extra $1 per night. If you have a small frog or fish that only requires daily feeding the price is only $2.50/night (we pay our parents an overhead fee of $1.50/night after all!)
We are very excited to start our new venture. Please feel free to message us with any questions you might have.