A little bit of personal background about me.... Hello. My name is Dixie and I grew up right here in this area of Georgia, up until I was in my teens. That's when my life took me to Vero Beach, FL. I spent most of my adult life there, with some family and the very best of friends, whom I miss ALL the time! I married and had my children there. I realized quickly that children don't come with a manual and you are never, ever prepared. After having two sons and unfortunately a divorce, I struggled pretty bad on my own for a few years, and made some wrong choices in life. Then I found myself about to have a third child, and I was alone. That's when I decided make a smart choice for a change. When my beautiful little girl was born, I allowed a wonderful family, that I was close with, to adopt her. I have been subject to judgement and condemnation by some people for that choice, but that's okay. It was a very hard decision but with where I was in my life, I know I did the least selfish and best thing for her. She has turned out to be a very smart, caring,strong and beautiful young woman! A few year ago, I moved back here to my home town. I have my two wonderful sons near, I have two beautiful granddaughters and most of my close family is here. I am blessed to have the love and support of my family and friends. I am building my relationship with the Lord every day and more than anything, I just want to KNOW HIM on the deepest and most intimate level. The way I came to starting up Dixie Sweet Eats is simple. I was always a bit artistic as a child,drawing things I saw.... in detail. I am pretty good at it. Well, now I have found a new challenge creating custom treats, and i love it! I love for someone to say,"Do you think you can do something like this?" and I say, "Absolutely!".
So, just give me your ideas and I will rise to the challenge. I thank you for stopping by! Have a blessed day!