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Naomi Gaglardi - Realtor

Recommendations & Reviews

  • #1 7300 Vedder Road
    Chilliwack, BC V2R 4G6 (map)

About us

I am passionate about life, family, and creating home…That’s why I want to assist buyers and sellers on their journey to find their way home. My aim is to help you find not just a roof over your head, but a place you can call home. Home is where you carry the love of your life over the threshold, raise your family, plant your first garden, enjoy evenings with friends, and grow old together. Home is where the family gathers as the Thanksgiving turkey is carved and where the sweetest words uttered as the year draws to a close are “I’ll be home for Christmas.” Home is where the simple things in life are savored, the richness of every day life is experienced and the treasured memories to last a life time are etched upon our hearts….Everyone needs a place they can call home. Call today and allow me the privilege of helping you find your way home…

2 recommendations and reviews from 1 person

    Recommendations from Rhonda M.

  • Referral from February 23, 2017
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  • Referral from June 18, 2016
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