I need in

Debbie Cass

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About us

Now that you are living abroad are you constantly worrying that your post in England is not being dealt with? Or that you\'ll come back for a visit one day to find your car has run out of tax or the boiler has not been serviced? If you are moving to Israel you may be worried about things back in the UK.
• I take care of my clients\' business interests back in the UK while they are in Israel.
• I check tenants are happy, arrange regular utility servicing checks and deal with any emergencies.
• I collect post, check it, scan and email it to clients on a weekly basis.
• I look after general correspondence.
• I do any typing required that is sent by digital dictation. My mail handling and lifestyle management services mean that I can run your home and life for you in London while you are away.

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  • Office Servicesx

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