USA Remote Hands We have about 30 locations scattered around the USA. The problem is all of our IT staff is located in our headquarters. We get away with providing support over the phone to "power users" but sometimes we need a local IT contact that can go onsite to troubleshoot or install a computer or patch a cable or...
Life would be so much better if we had a single company that we could call to dispatch a local IT person to go to a site.
I spent three hours today trying to find a local IT person that was willing to go out and test 4 ethernet drops at one of our locations because the person we were using moved to a different city. I understand that it was such a small job that no one was willing to make the trip. Searching through the yellow pages, cold calling companies is a pain in the a$$.
Can anyone recommend a good company that we can contact to provide onsite IT help on demand? What are some considerations when vetting these companies?