Hey, thanks for following. I am in Portland tomorrow any recommendations? #food, # bars, #bestofeverything
Thubten replied:
. The Observatory for brunch, Mt Tabor, the Rose Gardens, https://www.twitter.com/bluestardonuts , https://www.twitter.com/pdcoffee , and https://www.twitter.com/powells are essential. # PDX
So excited to be headed to #Portland for my first @xoxo! I have Thursday to explore (with Felix in tow). Any recommendations?
Hilton S. replied:
For coffee try https://www.twitter.com/stumptowncoffee , https://www.twitter.com/pdcoffee , https://www.twitter.com/baristapdx . For the little one I would go to https://www.twitter.com/portlandcm and https://www.twitter.com/omsi . ^ZG 1of 3