I have once again arrived at the conclusion that we need a financial adviser/planner to review our situation to go through at all insurance policies with a fine tooth comb - mine and my husband's and tell me that we do (or don't) need all policies we have. Husband is self-employed so is solely responsible for his pensions and insurances - has to pay it all himself. I would also want someone to look at who the beneficiaries are on his policies and revisit that issue. Also, as I make more than he does, what would be a fair division of salaries, joint accounts vs. separate accounts, etc. I am helping to pay a mortgage on an apt that is not in my name....what happens to the house when he dies? Who gets the money? Etc. All these kinds of questions. I would also want someone who could advise about investing - we have x amount, where is it best to put it? Buy property? Other? There are probably other issues here that I'm not thinking of right now.