Looking for a polished quartet for virtual performance My grandfather passed away yesterday and we are planning the funeral for Sept 10 at 11am PST and are looking for a polished and professional barbershop quartet to perform several songs for the service virtually. (Thanks covid....
twinkbaby replied:
Look on barbershop.org for quartets in your area, or reach out to some of the big choruses in the society, and ask who’se got a group that can help out.
New to the area....Does anyone know of a barber shop between Silverdale or PO (possibly even Tacoma) that is able to do (good quality) designs? Any leads are much appreciated
38 Years of Winners the album Hello everyone!
I'm currently seeking the album 38 Years of Winners which is referred to in several books fx. Barbershop Arranging Manual which I'm reading atm.
The album should be from 1976, and so far I haven't had any luck finding it, so now I come to you :)
Does anyone know where I can find it? I would prefer online, but anything goes :)
Thanks a lot!
fadhero replied:
It's not on the Barbershop.org store, but you could get in touch with people at the Barbershop Harmony Society, since it looks like it was a Society-made compilation. They might have an archive copy or can put you in touch with someone who does. There's also a 2 volume set currently for sale called All the Best. I think it should have recordings of the first 38 champion quartets. It's expensive ($80 per volume), but that's probably the only way to get that music in one set.