RepairTech Rx repairs smart technology: mobile phones, tablets and computers. It is a same day service, usually an hour or less.
We have over 20 years of combined experience repairing electronic devices of every kind, there is no repair that we will not attempt. Whether it is a broken / cracked screen, a phone that has been damaged by water or other liquids, a phone that wont charge properly or the battery doesn't work, we will do our best to resuscitate your device.
We are your friendly neighborhood tech doctors and It is our goal to be an asset to the community, keeping that goal in mind we strive to create solutions where there were none before. We specialize in fixing Apple, Samsung, Blackberry, Sony, LG and other Android Phones, Apple iPads, Samsung tablets and computers, however we will strive to provide you with a solution for most any electronic gadget you can throw at us, such as, gaming consoles, cameras, TV’s and MP3 Players. We are the tech doctors!!!