Place: Watercress Restaurant
Service: 9/10
Taste: 8/10
Price: 595+ vat
Item: buffet lunch ( Authentic Thai)
While searching through good places to eat...stumbled upon this one. I would say the interior was really good and the hospitality we got was really warming. A perfect place to have your lazy weekend lunch. Went there yesterday for their Thai buffet which is 595+ (vat exclusive) . Their soup was really good especially the Thai thick one. Along with it there were spring rolls, Bombay toast that comes with two different types of sauce.
They had different types of salad. For the main course there were fried rice and sticky rice, Chowmin, Different items of beef,Chicken and Fish. They also had two types of chinese vegetable.
But my most favorite section was their dessert section. Loved each and every one of them. If you are looking for a place to relax and have some good food to alleviate your day..I would definitely suggest this place.