Photo Sessions are approximately 1 - 3 hours and includes photo session and photo editing. Cost ranges from $100 - $200 per session depending on needs (time, location, outfit changes, number of people/families, etc.).
Travel fee for location outside of Platte County and local area near Smithville, MO ($50 + $.50/mile for location over an hour drive).
You own your photos. They are not mine. After your session, I will carefully choose the images I think you will love and I will edit each of them with care. Once this has been done, I will put all the RAW AND EDITED Images from the photo session on a USB Drive (16 - 32 GB) that you provide (purchase @ Wal-Mart or Best Buy for $10 - $20). You may order prints in any size and amount from any online/store vendor of your choice!
Other Options: Please contact Hannah Kasner for more information (Holiday Cards, Save-the-Dates, Photo Book, etc.)