Looking for a Vietnamese Restaurant recommendation for a larger crowd of 20-35. Locations on the west side of the lake between South Center and Lynnwood would work. Thanks everyone!
Can anyone recommend a really good restaurant (either American or Asian / Chinese) that is nice enough to have a fairly dressed - up dinner party but not hugely expensive? Maybe $15 per entree max?
porkchopsandwiches replied:
[The Tamarind Tree](http://www.tamarindtreerestaurant.com/) is inexpensive, delicious, and the interior is very nicely decorated. The only drawback is the entrance is kind of behind a strip mall. If you didn't already know it was there you would never notice it. It's by far my favorite Vietnamese restaurant and I'm getting really hungry just thinking about the vermicelli noodle bowl! ARG! EDIT: They also have an assortment of delicious exotic martinis.