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Rena Reiser

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About us

I want you to know something - being healthy and reaching your ideal weight don't have to be so complicated.

I’m here to help you reach your health goals: reach your ideal weight, get energized, gain confidence and feel great!

My approach takes into account all of your greatest challenges. I know you're busy and on a budget. I know there are other things draining your energy, like your family that you love and spend so much time taking care of, societal pressure and stress, and the millions of diets you've already tried that haven't worked.

It doesn't have to be so hard.

Shifting your life towards a healthy balance can be done without much fuss, effort or time. Small changes in the way you think about food, exercise, self-care, and other health choices will impact your lifestyle without much conscious effort on your part. You'll even do all this without making waves at home.

My approach to looking and feeling great is different than most. I don’t tell you to count calories, or advise you to nibble on cucumbers at your neighbor's kiddush.

Why not? Because we're looking to make lifelong changes. And you aren't going to want to eat cucumbers at a kiddush for the rest of your life.

This approach to a healthy lifestyle never lasts because:

we're always different than everyone around us
we never get to enjoy ourselves
it saps us of any remaining energy
it has us focusing on the negative and not on the positive
it's horribly, frightfully, dangerously unrealistic

How do I know all of this? Well, I, too, tried going down that route for years, and the results weren't pretty:

I saw the scale yo-yo up and down so many times I thought I would get dizzy
I didn't understand what foods my body was actually craving, so I always felt tired and unsatisfied
I was that one at the kiddush munching on cucumbers
I felt disappointed in myself and guilty whenever I did sneak a treat

Does this sound familiar to you? How many different diets have you tried? How many hours have you spent googling the latest... show more
health trends? How much money has gone to magic pills and superfoods?

We are going to do things differently from now on.

Food should be a pleasurable part of our lives -- not a constant stress.

I'm here to help you figure it out. I've helped so many people turn their lives around and I can help you too. Let's figure out what's holding you back and turn over a new leaf -- for good. Register now for this free class to help you become a happier, energetic, healthier Jewish woman. You'll be satisfied with it all and love it too.

And if you don't have to do it alone, then it's even easier! show more

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