Good affordable dentist? Looking to have some small cavities filled on upper front teeth. Not a fan of the chains because they’re usually not great and try to tell you they need to fill more than you actually need. Any suggestions for trustworthy dentists that won’t break the bank? Paying cash, no insurance.
waterboysh replied:
I use [Hunter Family Dentistry]( and have been really happy with them. I don't know about cavities specifically, but I went to them after going to Aspen Dental on Newberry Road and being told that I had cavities in 5 teeth and all my wisdom teeth need to be removed. They then ushered me into a financial counselor's office to discuss payment methods. The people are Hunter were like.... "Yeah, none of that is true." I feel like they are good trustworthy people. So I'll say no matter who you choose, under no circumstances should you go to Aspen Dental.
I need to teeth pulled asap painful scared to death of dentist, and the cost i need two mulars removed on different sides so i what to find aplace that dont hurt my face or my wallet, Any sugguestions?
Lindsay M. replied:
Dr. Hunter at Hunter Family Dentistry in Jonesville is very gentle. I have dental insurance so I'm not sure of costs without it but they seem very reasonable and willing to work with people...