I am the owner of In Stitches Memory Quilts and my name is Barb Schneider. I am married and have three grown children. My mother was a quilter when she retired from teaching. I truly love quilts! When my father passed away many years ago, I decided to try quilting as a way to work through my grief. It was very therapeutic for me. I love that quilts are heirlooms that we can pass on for generations to tell our story. T-shirt quilts are especially filled with our memories and experiences.
I had planned to make my first T-shirt quilt while my husband was deployed to Afghanistan with the US Air Force. I found that I wasn't up to the challenge of learning a new technique while he was deployed. As a result, that first quilt wasn't started until the month after he returned home safely. I made it for my son, Micheal, using his collection of shirts. I really enjoyed making it. It turned out so well, that my friend asked me to make one for her husband and told me I should do this as a business! And an idea was born!
You may be wondering how I came up with my business name: In Stitches Memory Quilts. My son, Jacob, a graphic designer, came up with it and designed my logo. He said the branding for a business should represent the owner, me. I am well known by my family and friends for my laughter. It comes easily, often, and sometimes loud. I have been told by others that when they hear me laugh, even if they are in another room and don't know what I'm laughing at, they laugh along! Or when I run into someone unexpectedly, I have been told that they found me because they heard me laughing. And so, "In Stitches" is very fitting!
My daughter, Jessie, also contributed to the beginning of In Stitches Memory Quilts. She proudly shows off the quilt I made for her to all her friends. I have had the honor of making quilts for her friends and friends of friends. That is "word of mouth" marketing at work!
It is an honor to be trusted by my customers with their precious items to be... show more
included in their memory quilts. I do my best to incorporate their individual requests whenever possible. It is a blessing to have the opportunity to create their special lasting memories doing something that I love to do.