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Sommeville Specialist Cleaning Company

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Rondebosch East
    Cape Town, WC (map)

About us

With over ten years experience and expertise and utilizing the most advanced cleaning technology available, Sommeville achieves, and guarantees, the very best possible result.

Our unique anti-allergy cleaning processes provide total peace of mind, removing and neutralizing harmful bacteria, allergens, dust-mites, fungal spores, viruses, molds, mildew and other harmful and toxic undesirables from your bedding and furnishings without using pesticides, solvents, powders, soap, poisons, water or uv-c technology.

Using fibre specific, residue free and conscientious treatment processes, we, at Sommeville, keep the health of your guests, yourself and the longevity of your furnishings at the top of our priorities.
Sommeville is a responsible environmentally aware company which follows sound ethical principals throughout all its endeavors.

2 recommendations and reviews from 1 person

    Recommendations from Steve Z.

  • Referral from May 28, 2017
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  • Referral from November 7, 2016
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