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Freedom Feeder

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 25101 Bear Valley Rd, # 72
    Tehachapi, CA 93561 (map)

About us

Think of Freedom Feeder as a way for your horses to have pasture grazing available when they don't have pasture... in the barn, in the trailer, at competitions, camping. Keeping your horses grazing reduces their stress, protects their digestive system and improves their performance.

Horses are grazing animals. Their digestive systems never truly stop producing digestive acids. When their sensitive stomachs are empty of food they are stressed, prone to colic, ulcers, and boredom leading to destructive stall vices just to mention a few of the consequences.

Horses must have access to low calorie, high fiber forage at all times. Feeding two, three or even four feedings a day is unnatural for horses. We are tied to feeding them “small meals” throughout the day because we care about their sensitive digestive systems. But what are the horse’s eating at night while we are sleeping? Dinner out with friends, overnight outings, a full day away from the barn, those are only memories… .

UNTIL NOW! Veterinarian recommended Freedom Feeder Small Mesh "Pasture in a Net" allows your animals to graze naturally 24/7 through a simple ”restricted free access feeding” net.

Freedom Feeder netting is soft on horse's sensitive noses but wears like iron. Our warranty program is unparalleled in the industry. And our customer service is here to help you and your horses.

Hours of operation

Monday9:00AM - 5:00PM
Tuesday9:00AM - 5:00PM
Wednesday9:00AM - 5:00PM
Thursday9:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday9:00AM - 5:00PM


Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from November 8, 2016
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