Suggestions for a very naturally minded OBGYN in the Nashville or Franklin area? While not pregnant now, we know we want children in the next several years, with a natural hospital birth (home is not an option) and I'd like to be ahead of the game and comfortable with an established physician.
Also, I have PCOS, so if you happen to know of some OBGYNs with more expertise in that, it'd be great. Tall order, I know! :)
I already know about Dr. Sizemore and he's a best option, but he's only in Franklin (and surgery/delivery) one day a week now, plus there's some issue with him being affiliated w/ Vandy and our type of insurance (we have Samaritan, and Vandy has recently changed how/when they accept "cash" patients, which also creates problems with Vandy midwives as an option). Thanks for in advance for any suggestions!