I am not sure if I am ready to hire someone for this yet, but I definitely need expert advise to why I should or shouldn't hire a professional.
My grandson, is asthmatic and last year we spent the entire spring and most of the summer in the ER and hospital. While this year we have done a little better, I noticed that when we kicked on the AIR CONDITIONER this year, he began to go into asthmatic attacks, coughing and wheezing. We would cut the A/C off and the coughing would settle down. But, we must keep the house cool because he overheats and as the Condo gets warmer and it gets hotter outside, not having the A/C on is not going to be an option.
Someone said we should look into having the AIR DUCTS cleaned. I have read varying stories about this and we have a HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION that would need to be notified before I had this done. Can anyone advise?