Recommendations for buy here, pay here places in the area. Don't have good credit, but do have a reliable job and money to put down on a vehicle and can make monthly payments. Need something safe for our two year old son to ride in.
Allen K. replied:
Try they don't charge more for financing a car. They offer financing through a outside private lender who doesn't base his decision on credit. 700 s woodland Blvd. Stop in and see Frank the salesman and fill out a app.
I need a recommendation on a used car dealership in the DeLand or surrounding areas that offers Carfax (or proof of accident history), warranty and a low (or no) dealer fee? Thank you in advance!
Allen K. replied:
Big dealers offer warrantys but have huge dealer fees. We do not offer warranty but we have $0 dealer fees and offer a autocheck (carfax) on cars. Check us out.
looking for recommendations of used car dealerships - looking for something with 3rd row of seats, safe for my family, clean title, around $5000 ideally a place we could also purchase a warranty. anywhere from DeLand to orlando.
Allen K. replied:
Citi auto. 700 s woodland blvd. Deland fl. You can also check them out online at i think.