Kikar Hamusica is the only music square in Downtown Jerusalem where you can enjoy live music every day. Also visit our restaurants, our museum and store.
Recommendations for a restaurant/bar with good jazz/blues music...TIA
Benjamin T. replied: https://www.facebook.c om/125072020890808 4628634163 בלו הול מיוסיק Blue Hall Music Mike's Place Jerusalem Kikar Hamusica כיכר המוזיקה ירושלים
Looking for a downtown restaurant to have a big party of people, preferably with live music.
I passed a place that had jazz outside once, sounded really good but can't remember what it was called...i think they have music every night. Any ideas?
Benjamin T. replied:
for sure either https://www.facebook.com 28634163 /125072020890808 Mike's Place Jerusalem, בלו הול מיוסיק Blue Hall Music or Kikar Hamusica כיכר המוזיקה ירושלים
Now that 'Ness' is no longer around.....where can I buy good French patisseries ?
Benjamin T. replied: Gourmandise s by Yoël גורמנדיז בית קפה צרפתי!!!! at Kikar Hamusica כיכר המוזיקה ירושלים seriously, one of the best i had since i made aliya from france :)
Really good kosher meat restaurant recommendations in Jerusalem. Thanks!
Benjamin T. replied:
you should totally go to Kinor Bakikar, at Kikar Hamusica כיכר המוזיקה ירושלים. the food is just exellent, the service is the best (i felt i was in Europe- thats the service level). the design is wonderful and you have live music outside on the stage... what do we need more? :)