About us
Creative Agency focussing on Identity, Branding and Social Media Engagement & Management & Artist Management.
First impressions are a must, especially for brands. When a person is first introduced to your company he/she will conclude a quick judgement about your brand. For this reason creating a memorable, elegant, and attractive logo is very important. In todays fast moving world it’s vital to create a memorable experience through design. By doing so a potential customer will be able to recognize your company later on.
Many people often confuse the word brand. Your brand is much more than a name or logo. Brand consists of the experience that a company creates with it’s employees, vendors, communities, public relations, and customers. Your brand is the feeling/image that a customer gets when introduced.
Every single business has a brand, including large companies with huge budgets/staff, and small businesses. Behind every single brand are people. Those “people” are out there representing the image of your company. Employees connect brand values with customers through touch points to make brands come alive. By doing so, the employees reflect the brands values and help share them.
Consumers develop brand loyalty when expectations are met. They will often pass up other brands for the one they want. A brands name should be short, memorable, descriptive of product features/benefits, and should also give brand meaning if made up or borrowed. All the combined impressions and experiences of the brand are associated with a particular company, good or service.
Logo and identity design involve at the very least, some mild pain and discomfort. The development of your visual identity requires a good amount of your sweat and blood, even in the hands of the most talented designer.
The process of gathering appropriate information to move beyond a stereotypical symbol is a challenge. Your visual identity needs to reflect your authenticity to be effective and that information can... show more
be difficult to get at. It requires much honesty and transparency on your part; something many people can find difficult.
It means making decisions about your business, your audience, strengths, and weaknesses. It means putting time into searching for answers and debating inconsistencies before any ink is used. It means spending both time and money.
A Logo is an Investment
A well-designed identity costs a decent amount of money because it’s a difficult exercise. The price of a logo reflects a respect for a designer’s time and yours. Sure, you may hesitate paying more than ‘you have to’ but know that when it comes to reflecting your identity, a less than ideal identity can be more damaging than having nothing.
An ill-conceived logo will eventually make its way onto your signage, website, and customers minds, all with an inappropriate message.
The exercise of identity development should cost enough money and time that you consider it an investment—something you take seriously. Who do you want involved in your investments?
10 Tips to Avoid Logo Regret
• Set aside an appropriate budget
• Allow for a reasonable time line
• Have realistic expectations and goals
• Be willing to learn not only about branding but more importantly, your company
• Know that design is not a linear process
• Choose to work with a professional
• Find someone you trust and be transparent in your discussions with them
• Approach logo design as part of a larger branding exercise
• Be open-minded—especially to ideas with strategic value
• Invest as much of yourself as you can in the process
If it’s Worth Doing…
Approach the logo and brand design process with high expectations, purpose, fear, excitement, a willingness to explore difficult questions, and a reasonable budget and time-line. The experience will leave you not only with an appropriate visual mark but a much better understanding of why your customers should care about you.
Take the time upfront, invest the sweat, blood, and money, and do it right and you will be ahead of those choosing not to. show more