In search of a lawyer Long story short, my former roommate owes me a lot of rent money and I’m hoping to get it back. I sued her and won but after that I lost all contact with her. I recently discovered where she works and I’m hoping to start garnishing wages with this new info.
Does anybody have any recommendations for a local lawyer who’d be willing to give a quick consultation to discuss my options? Even if it’s not possible with the limited info I’d still love to know what more I’d need to figure out.
Any and all help is appreciated.
Aishario replied:
You may want to try the Lawyer Referral and Information Service, which is run by the State Bar of Wisconsin. They will refer you to an attorney who practices in the area of law you need, and the first half-hour of the consultation is free. [Lawyer Referral & Information Service (]( and%20Information%20Service%20If%20 you%20 need,to%20 a%20 legal%20 assistant%20 by%20 calling%20%28800%29%20362-9082.) Good luck!