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YWT Stirley Community Farm

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Off Hall Bower Lane
    Huddersfield, England HD4 6RP (map)

About us

Stirley Farm is a 100 hectare site in Newsome, south east of Huddersfield. Most of the farm was either cut for hay or grazed by dairy cattle in the past. The Trust plans to manage the meadows as a low input system which benefits wildlife and supports a healthy herd of beef cattle. In the future our beef will be for sale locally in a box scheme and through local shops, enabling the farm to become a viable enterprise.

Many people and community groups on our doorstep are growing their own food, and at Stirley, we are creating a variety of fruit and veg growing areas where people can share their skills and knowledge to enable them to learn more about 'growing your own' both on the farm and closer to home.

In the future, we hope to secure funding to renovate the farmhouse and buildings to create a learning centre and meeting place for visitors and schools, and events celebrating local food.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from December 16, 2016
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