Looking for dentist referrals in the St. Louis area. I would like them to be nice, personable, will numb me up REAL GOOD, and is hopefully In-Network :)
Van B. replied:
I've been going to Dr. Jines on Hampton by the Denny's... He's a real nice guy... been looking after me for years.. Tel.314-647-2828... tell them Van sent you, they like to hear when I send them bidness
Ok, family, it just got real. I need recommendations. TOOTH IS KILLING ME!!! Can anyone suggest a good dentist. Somebody who knows what they are doing. I am hard to numb and i need a root canal. Thanks all.
Alisa M. replied:
Dr Denzel Jines. I have been seeing him for almost 20 years. He is awesome. 314-647-2828. He is down the street from the carpenters hall on Hampton next to Denny's