Pet Dental Care My dog needs dental treatment (a cleaning and possibly tooth extractions). Does anyone have veterinarian recommendations for this procedure? Thanks in advance!
Edit: I've googled some places but I would like to hear from reddit about your personal experiences
Update: Thanks for the suggestions! I truly appreciate it.
wombatsanders replied:
We've had really good experiences with [Lewis Animal Hospital]( over the last year and a half. My wife rescues strays, so we're there once a month or so for something.
I take my cats here: Lewis Animal Hospital, Cincinnati, OH 45215 | Veterinarians We understand that your pets are members of your family. We strive to provide th...e best possible care for them at prices that are affordable. Our veterinarians and staff are well-trained, experienced and most importantly, animal lovers with pets of their own! We offer appointments at two convenient l...See more