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Laura's Home Bodies

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Abbs Cross Gardens, England RM12 (map)

About us

Do you struggle to get to the gym? Don't worry, I can bring everything we need to you!

Do you have small children who will need your attention? Not a problem, we can INCLUDE them in your workout!

Are you an older person? That's fine, too! I have full experience with all age groups and capabilities!

All you need is a small space - big enough for you to lay down - and determination. With your determination and willing, I can help you reach whatever fitness goal you have. I specialise in body transformations and strength training.

I will work with you, providing you with dietary help and all of the equipment we need to get you to where you want to be.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from January 2, 2017
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  • Gym/physical fitness centerx
  • Personal trainerx
  • Recreation & fitnessx

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