About us
Exploringnature.org has more than 5,000 pages of illustrated life science resources, including the natural history of more than 2,000 animals, trees and plants, biomes, classification, adaptations, food webs, life cycles, entomology, weather, space, ecology, environmental issues, endangered species, anatomy, biology, invasive species, wildlife movies, a quiz collection, science activities, flash games, worksheets to download that include: coloring and labeling sheets, mazes, hidden pictures, wordsearches, flashcards, animal tracks, how to draw animals, illustrated science posters and animals diagrams, an illustrated glossary of science terms, instructions for how to make educational nature trails, a wildlife blog, an ask the zoo vet column, school programs, professional development, and a citation for every page for student research. Check us on your Smartboard or other interactive whiteboards for whole class activities.