I am wondering if there is anyone who knows about medicine or meds could tell me if there are any muscle relaxers available over the counter. The muscles in my leg keep getting stiff making it hard and painful to bend my knee. It had something to do with my hip injury last year because they had to break the top of the thigh bone to put in the hip. I don't really want to go to the doc again.
Renee B. replied:
The Upledger Institute (I've taken some classes through them) has a "find a practitioner" link on their website. I did a search and found nobody in zip codes beginning with 150XX. I put in Pittsburgh, PA and this is what came up. The first person had the most training. I'd give him a call and see if he's worked with folks post orthopedic surgery. Emmanuel Birstein MS, CST CranioSacral Certified Therapist IAHE Teaching Assistant Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238 United States Tel: 412.963.8448http://www.iahp.com/pages/search/index.php#result
My client is in need of an oral massage therapist. She is having inner ear issues and her ENT suggested she try oral massage. She lives in Somers, CT, so someone kind of near there?? Anyone trained in this special modality??
Jeanne R. replied:
My daughter saw a Therapist (CranioSacral and other modalities) who was trained in and did intra-oral work. We saw her for a painful TMJ issue but several years prior my daughter had been diagnosed with mild hearing loss. The hearing loss tested stable but persistent after 4 test cycles (within 2 yrs) so was considered permanent. It completely cleared up after the intra-oral CST treatments. It was an amazing result very quickly. The therapist we went to is in Easton, MA so about 2 hours from Somers, CT, but worth the trip if you would like her name. You can find others that might be closer by going to the Upledgers practitioners page and searching for CranioSacral practitioners. I would look for someone with at least CST2 level training. I took a quick peek and there is 1 practitioner in Somers, but if she chooses other towns surrounding her she is likely to find some options. p.s. need to spell out the state name or search will return 0 hits. http://www.iahp.com/pages/search/index.php#result