Looking for a recommendation for someone to give out boiler a check-up/cleaning before winter. Looked in files but did not see anything. Any recommendations?? Thanks!
Jill S. replied:
We had Marsh Heating & Air Conditioning out to inspect the older boiler in our new-to-us home recently -- they were great! Cleaned and inspected and ready for winter now! http://www.marshheating.com/ Here are the google reviews: https://www.google.com/search?q=marsh+heating+and+air+minnesota&rlz=1CAACAC_enUS527US527&oq=marsh+&aqs=chrome.1.69 i57 j69 i59 j0 l4.5602 j0 j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#q=marsh+heating+and+air+minnesota+google+reviews&lrd=0 x52 b3372428 f569 cd:0 x6 d0 a82 cb5 f16 e285,1
Does anyone have an HVAC guy they would recommend? I have a water pump for my in-floor heating system that needs replacing. I'd rather avoid hitting up any of the chain shops like Bonfe or the like as I've had bad experiences in the past.
Andrew B. replied:
Marsh heating www.marshheating.com used them to put in our A. Unit and the salesdude was great and so was the crew.