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GEM Lighting & Electrical Ltd

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 2 saltlands
    Bridgwater, England ta6 7qs (map)

About us

GEM Lighting and Electrical Ltd was founded in 2015 by Luke Davis and Anton Burridge.

We all have a role to play in the fight against climate change and organisations like yours can take simple steps to reduce carbon emissions including making the most of the benefits of LED technology. LED lighting provides a clean and greener type of light which is up to 90% cheaper to run than conventional lighting, saving you money in the long term. LED lighting lasts for around 50,000 hours, which works out based on a 8 hr day, 6 days a week you should get 17 years lifetime out of your install saving you money on maintenance.

It does not matter whether your company has incandescent, fluorescent , metal halide or sodium lamps, there is an led alternative on the market that will improve your lighting energy performance, right now no other technology offers the same level of power reduction, whilst improving on operational performance.

All sectors, from logistical companies with large warehouses and external spaces to light, through to small offices and retailers, can take advantage of the LED revolution. The case for investment in led lighting is getting stronger as performance improves, product costs decrease and the rise of energy costs continues.

Hours of operation

Monday7:00AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday7:00AM - 6:00PM
Wednesday7:00AM - 6:00PM
Thursday7:00AM - 6:00PM
Friday7:00AM - 6:00PM
Saturday8:00AM - 6:00PM
Sunday8:00AM - 6:00PM


2 recommendations and reviews from 2 people

  • Referral from January 24, 2017
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  • Referral from February 8, 2016
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New Review
  • Electricianx

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