Booking our Vegas honeymoon (finally!!). Eric Duh Nauni's been once and I'm a Vegas virgin. So we want to know what all you lovelies enjoyed best about Vegas. Weird, quirky, little-known dwellings, hidden gourmet gems, all the bizarre and amazing parts of Vegas. Also, we are all about spending our money on things outside our hotel. So cheap hotel rooms where we won't get murdered and can still enjoy sleeping at are what we're looking for. We have no old downtown vs. strip preference. Golden Nugget is a great price - anyone recommend it? Also, do you suggest taking the time to see the Hoover Dam? I mean, if the Griswold's went there, we're already pretty convinced. So please! All ideas, restaurants, museums, shows, shops, mafia-themed events are welcome. We want a people-watching, drinking induced, full bellied honeymoon experience. xo