Place to rest for a day? Hello everyone!
I'm a student coming from Indonesia. I'm scheduled to arrive at the airport at December 28th at 5AM, but I can only do the handover for the apartment I leased near downtown at 5PM.
Any suggestion on where I can spend the day to rest? somewhere I can put my luggage, take naps, and shower. Cheap hotels/motels/capsule hotels maybe?
Thank you very much in advance, and I'm really looking forward to be there! :D
Looking for spa recommendations. I need a place where one can spend the better part of a day receiving multiple services, lunch and of course wine:) Thanks for your help!
Does anyone know of a place that does Korean skincare/facials? My friend in Miami raves about them and I am sure we must have them in the Atlanta area too.
N'neka S. replied:
I've never been but I've heard great things from multiple people about Jeju Spa. It's off of Pleasent Hill Road.
Massage Recommendations (x post from /r/gatech ) [This is an x-post from /r/gatech. Hopefully I can get some help!]
This will probably be the most "white-girl" post this subreddit has seen in a while...
I'm going to be a freshmen at GT this fall. (yay) One of the things I have looked forward to being 18 for is getting a nice massage....and voting. Unfortunately, move-in day corresponds with my 18th birthday, and I live out of state. Thus, I can't get a massage before I'm in Atlanta.
So, can anyone give me advice on a nice place to get a massage in Atlanta?
Thank you for making my birthday and first independent day away from my family not so foreboding.
belial13 replied:
Art of touch is on Peachtree between 6 th & 7 th, walking distance from Tech. It's not a spa, but is a great place to get a massage. If you want a spa, I've heard good things about Jeju, which is Korea spa, but you will need a car (or Uber) to get there.