Steam Carpet Cleaning (3 rooms $60.00) $20 per additional room Hallways $10.00 Steps $2.00 Landings $5.00 Mix and match your upholstery (2 pieces $75.00) 3 pieces of upholstery ($99.00) + Section $99.00 Dining Chair's $15 per chair( 4 chair minimum if you don't add on any other service) WHATS INCLUDED IN PRICE: Pre spray, deodorizer, special deodorizer for pets included. All taxes and traveling fees included. Absolutely no hidden cost. Call today (412)250-7938 NO ROOM MINIMUM ON OUR CARPET CLEANING SERVICE. WHEN COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER SERVICES. IF COMBINED YOU WILL PAY $20 PER ADD ON ROOM. COMBO ROOMS ARE CONSIDERED TWO AREAS. AN AREA IS 250sq FEET. THE SAME AS A 2 DOOR CAR GARAGE. ANYTHING OVER 250sq FEET IS CONSIDERED 2 AREAS.
We have a 3 room special now for $60.00 You can find before and after pics along with customer review on our fb page@E&C Affordable Cleaning Services. (412)250-7938