Where are the best places to learn about nutrition online? I'm just starting to learn about nutrition and it's all quite complex.
Where can I find a breakdown of the nutrient components of each food?
How do I learn the processes? What we need daily? How it's absorbed and utilised? Everything!
And just general info. Scientifically and dietician/nutritionist based (or whatever professions are involved).
Also if you know any great comprehensive but easy to understand books, I'd love to know about those too. I want to get 'Whole' by T. Colin Campbell because of recommendations from others, but I'm not sure what info it includes.
Anything that will help a person discover the world of nutrition and health and proper diet!
1345834 replied:
https://optimisingnutrition.com/2016/05/16/building-a-better-nutrient-density-index/ also https://www.foundmyfitness.comhttps://chrismasterjohnphd.comhttps://chriskresser.com
finished all 5 podcasts. Great work. But heading to gym for an hour of exercise. Need to listen to something. Recommendations?
Raphi S. replied:
that made my day Steven! also deep & technical is https://www.twitter.com/foundmyfitness great isothiocynates episode https://itunes.apple.com/fr/podcast/foundmyfitness/id818198322?l=en&mt=2&i=1000379666760