Looking for reputable mechanics near White River Jct Hey all, a friend of mine recently moved down near WRJ and is having some car problems. He went to the dealers around there and has relayed some pretty frustrating experiences. Are they any private mechanics in town that people can recommend?
EDIT: Thanks everyone! Much appreciated!!
Ms_DragonCat replied:
I go to [Bob's Service Center](https://www.bobsautoservicecenter.com); I've never had a problem with them.
Anyone know where I can get some gas a little better than 93 octane around Mt. Vernon or Salem?
Deezy S. replied:
I Run Sunoco 110 leaded 😎 But I'm Running Sparks big 15:1 Hi comp piston... The Factory is located in Flora, IL Just a few miles past salem www.Sunoco.com
Does anyone know of a car place that is open now? I'm in white river, next to West Lebanon with a blown out tire. I have towing coverage for 15 miles but for some reason there is no spare tire in my trunk. I need a tire.