[Request] Does anyone know a good place to get long lasting women’s, black, skinny jeans from? I’m in the UK, and usually buy H&M jeans, which fade quickly (which I don’t mind) but annoying get holes in the thigh after about six months wear. Any hardy jeans out there which aren’t TOO expensive?
Saxysaxplayer1 replied:
I love my Levi's they're great. I like Lucky Brand jeans too, but they can be kinda pricy and I don't know where you could find them in the U.K.; I'm an American so I know I'm a bit useless as to which store to buy them at, but Belk.com has those jeans and other good brands for good prices... so maybe check that out?
ISO Looking for Oneida silverwear pattern named Satin-Easton , looking for teaspoons !!
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Let me know if you know any outlet stores that may have it !
going to start looking for a wedding dress this week..any friends have recommendations for affordable bridal shops? besides davids...ive been there and everything is to fancy for this simple girl.