travel insurance recs? As a digital nomad, do you have travel insurance? These are my coverage needs:
* 2 62 sq inch suitcases = $1500K/each
* 1 garment bag = $3K
* 1 mountain bike bag + bike + equipment = $8K
* laptop bag + 3 laptops = $6K
* Oru Kayak + equipment = $3K
So let's say I need a total of $25K insurance coverage. Here are some potential scenarios:
* Laptop bag with 3 laptops gets stolen from hotel room
* On a flight from Paris to Ukraine, bike bag disappears
Can you recommend any travel insurance that might be good for this?
nomadality replied:
For my items which includes a cyclocross bicycle, I don’t use travel insurance. I use property insurance through []( In their policy, they include full replacement cost (not depreciated cost or cash value) and also $500,000 in personal liability insurance.