Looking for recommendations for someone good at finding leaks.
Pond has 2 bottom drains. Doesn't lose water when pumps not running, drops a lot when it is.
Richard C. replied:
If it's leaking that much it should be very easy to find. We can have a look, or you can try yourself. I would wonder if it's on your drain line. If it's that rapid the gasket for your bead filter control valve probably failed or has some debris preventing a proper seal. Or, as bill said, it's overflowing the stream. Call us at 678-932-9277, or 678-908-4151. We are in kennesaw.
Hello, I need a referral for a reliable koi pond maintenance person in Mcdonough/Stockbridge area. I need filter/pump maintenance and general cleaning. Any suggestions for someone who knows what they're doing but doesn't try to gouge you. Thanks
Marty D. replied:
http://www.pondscapesatlanta.com/ I've heard good things about them.