I found this African Olive Pigeon with a seriously injured wing - I'm not sure if he got caught in the electric fence or something got him, but his wing has quite a large wound. I just don't have the experience to care for him and need to take him to a wildlife rehab centre. I took a bat a few months ago to somewhere in glenferness but cannot for the life of me recall the name to get there? I will take him first thing in the morning if somebody could just remind me of the name.
In the mean time - I have put a honey based ointment (almezatrane) my boyfriend uses in hospitals for open wound care that we use for bad wounds on the horses as well onto gauze and sealed the wound with that, and have also given the bird electrolytes. He's in a quiet dark box - water and food available if he wants (though I doubt it). He is otherwise healthy and big. Is there anybody here who can advise what else I can do to help him until the morning?