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The London Pie

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 171/39 Chaiyapreuk 2, เมืองพัทยา อำเภอ บางละมุง ชลบุรี 20150, Thailand
    Bangkok 20150 (map)

About us

From humble beginnings in Phuket in 2006, we have grown steadily. Moved to Bangkok to open The British Pie Shop with some partner 2 years ago, but now back to sole proprietorship.

Our range of pies is expanding and Bangkok is giving us the customer base we need in order to prioritise our sales of hot fresh pies.

Hours of operation

Monday08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday08:00 - 18:00
Thursday08:00 - 18:00
Friday08:00 - 18:00
Saturday08:00 - 16:00


4 recommendations and reviews from 3 people

  • Referral from June 12, 2014
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  • Recommendations from Sam R.

  • Referral from November 27, 2014
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New Review
  • Bakeryx

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