Hello my urban gardeners, thank you all for the inspiration and exchange of knowledge.
I'm new to the Tucson AZ area, can you please recommend an nurseries in Tucson?
I've signed up for the wood chip drop too, but any other suggestion any of you may have to help me get my hand on some free wood chips in Tucson, please advise
Below is a list of things food trees I'm in search of:
10 trees to plant
1. Fruiting female Date Palm Pakistan Dhakki
2. Fruiting female Carob
3. Pecan
4. Female fruiting Purple Pakistaní Mulberry (parent tree)
5. Native trees
6. Fig guava
7. pomegranate tree
8. Chinese Date (jujube)
9. Tangerine
10. Dwarf Peach Bonanza
11. Swan Plant (Ballon Plant Milkweed)
12. Mamoncillos/Quenepa/Spanish Limes
13. Neem tree
Have a great weekend!