Affordable Craftsmen is a state licensed custom home builder, remodeling contractor and home improvement company that also provides small and medium projects in all types, even down to the punch list, home repair and handyman services level. Larger jobs can be fixed price or by the square foot, linear foot, etc. while smaller jobs and long lists of small items we tend toward billing materials at cost and hourly labor starting as low as $30/hour for simple stuff up to $60/hour for plumbing, electrical and hvac, with the vast majority of tasks in the middle. Our customers would like say we brought the best creative ideas to the table, educated them best on how it should be done right and why while still giving good value, a below average price for a good job for our real estate investor and budget minded customers or an average price for an excellent job for our more detailed and higher touch clients. Just call and let us know what needs doing and we'll be glad to give honest and creative feedback, often the only ones that are brave enough to give a ballpark or range over the phone or when in your home for the first time. Because we do just about everything in construction from changing you toilet for $80-120 to remodeling your basement to building you a new home, we are committed to doing it right and coming back when you call as we want to continue to be at the top of your list whenever you need anything done. 15 years and 3,000+ clients later we're still trying to earn your business for the long haul, Gary McCormick w/Affordable Craftsmen
Anyone know of a good roofing company in Atlanta area? I need to replace the 25 yr-old roof on my home. Thanks.
Keith M. replied:
Steve, I'm working for affordable craftsman with Gary McCormick from kcc and we do a great job at very good rates. Let us give you a bid.