In 2007, Peter F. Artusa retired after a 22 year career as a local Police Officer and started A Sparkling View, LLC., Orange Counties Premier Window Cleaning Company. After experiencing steady growth through providing outstanding customer service, he purchased All County Window Cleaning in 2013. All county Window Cleaning has been running since 2000 and employs over 30 people.
Our daily operations cover over 9 counties in 3 states. So what does this mean to you? Through the combination of my successful window cleaning experience and ACWC’s original owners vision, Peter Artusa’s goal is to not only be the largest residential window cleaning company, but the BEST residential and commercial window cleaning company.
Our Vision holds true for the owners, managers, supervisors and technicians. We will do almost anything for our customers, and we will ALWAYS be pleasant when meeting or talking with them… We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen.