I'm looking for a skilled hairstylist for men's hair in Carrboro / Chapel Hill to tame my crazy scrub garden. Cowlicks and wing management skills a must.
Dwight I. replied:
Could this be it Marcia? http://www.blankscream.com/urbanfringe/ urbAn fringE www.blankscream.com Whether you just need a trim or you are looking to revamp your hairstyle the sta...ff at urban fringe are here to help you. As Nationally Trained Educators with John Paul Mitchell Systems our team is up to date on current trends. We can help create a new style for you that would compliment your bone st...See More
Marcia C. replied:
Dwight, Urban Fringe is not his shop but I've met those people a few years ago. They're nice. I don't see this neighbor often, but I'll try to find out the name of his shop.