HELP PLEASE. Myself, my 16 year old and my husband have serious bad gastroenteritis, If there is a doctor out there that would do a night house call and give 3 shots to stop the runny tummy and vomiting it would really help. Don't have R3000 for Hillcrest private, those who don't have anything helpful to offer please refrain from commenting. Need a Doctor to do a house call tonight urgently please. Husband can't drive also sick so no wheels to travel. We in Waterfall 2. Just can't be sick like this for 3 days, have a 3 year old in the house, my 19 year old is trying to help everyone and she has exams tomorrow, so if I am sick and vomiting and I can't help anyone else how does sticking it out stop it from spreading to the toddler again. Have tried: Valoid, Immodium, Valoid suppositries, and clopomon syrup. Nothing is staying in.