Healthcare Provider (Doctor) Recommendations - Washington, D.C. / Northern Virginia (NOVA)? Does anyone have a great healthcare provider recommendation in the D.C./NOVA-area? I feel like I'm running in circles with both my current OBGYN and endocrinologist (who's more familiar with diabetes than PCOS). Neither seem particularly helpful in terms of at a minimum trying to get the right blood/hormone tests ordered to see what's going on. Any recommendations in this area would be really appreciated. Thank you so much.
Goldenarrowhead replied:
I just started with Suzanne Rogacz here, specifically recommended by my new obgyn Melodi Wilson at Both women listened really well, are empathetic, and answer every question. They believe in a team they’ll give you a few prescriptions from the other’s field, but then say but go follow up and get the rest from her. Haven’t tried other docs at nova endo, but I have tried Dr. Castle at Fairfax obgyn. He’s super experienced and can prescribe things outside of med school textbooks. I just like a planner more and Dr. Wilson fit the bill.